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The Infinite Matrix

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frequently asked questions

What's the concept?

The Infinite Matrix was a webzine featuring new science fiction by major writers, reviews by respected critics, and essays by original thinkers. It was kind of monthly, kind of weekly, and kind of daily. It was published from August, 2001 to January, 2006. It revived temporarily in April 2006 for a single issue, due to zombie activity that may have been caused by the publisher's penchant for fugu sashimi. fake breitling watch

Who's responsible?

Eileen Gunn, editor & publisher

Victoria Garcia, associate editor

Karen Fisher, webgoddess

Nisi Shawl, publicity

Blunt Jackson, Team Waldrop coder and copy editor

Mary Kay Kare, Team Waldrop typist

Jack William Bell, technical assistance

Anita Rowland, technical assistance

Lilian Edwards, technical assistance and hortatory cheerleading

Bill Humphries, technical assistance

and many more who should not go unacknowledged, but have so far. Thank you all very much!


That's a pretty big question. Why anything?

Craig Engler wrote a cool article for Wired News that explains the original story: Can sci-fi sell high tech? Check it out. Our own editorials relate the ongoing soap opera, which is part Cinderella, part Horatio Alger.

Want to help fund a magazine?

Well, I don't really blame you. Nobody else did, either. If you'd like to donate a fews bucks to help us pay our web-hosting bill, we'd really appreciate it. Just click on one of the buttons below to donate via Paypal or the Amazon Honor System.

Amazon Honor System Click Here to Pay Learn More

Or just write a check to The Infinite Matrix, and send it to:
The Infinite Matrix
525 19th Avenue East
Seattle WA 98112

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